LED lights can save you money by being efficient and durable. We developed our LED light asssemblies for that purpose. They can be used in a variety of places such as safes, rooms, trunks or hallways. Where you can really save money is in your energy and light replacement bills. These lights can be programmed to use power-off delay and use much less power than typical lights would. Being extremely efficient, these 48 bulb lights have a 50,000 hour life span, so constantly replacing light bulbs will be a thing of the past. These lights are very easy to install and IR sensors, which are included, can be used to turn on and off the lights eiether from entering a room or shading the sensor by hand.

– Plastic shell, strip, 48 bulbs
– Operating voltage: 12VDC
– Operating current: 0.4A
– Length: 23-5/8″

– Energy saving:

The application of a high-efficiency switch power supply ensures very low electricity consumption.
Automatic power-off delay function is programmed in IR sensor with low current. The automatic power-off time delay can be customized.
White LED’s consume less power.

– Long life span:

The life span of LED is designed for 50,000 hours.
IR sensor is protected by a short-circuit and is a contactless switch with low power, which allows the light assembly to have a lower defective rate and a longer life span.

– Wide range of applications:

Different models of the LED lights are designed for different application, such as safes, trunks, room and hallways, etc.  The number of LED lights can be determined by the user (up to 4).

– Easy to install and use:

IR sensors can be installed, for example, at the edge of a door frame or interior of a safe. The sensor can be shaded when the door is closed (lights off) or exposed with the door is open (lights on).
In open areas, the IR sensor can be shaded by hand.  After shading it for a few seconds, remove shade and the light will be on.
If the main power source is not stable for some reason, the power supply adapter can make sure that the lighting system works continually.
